Seminar on "Technology Dissemination on Seismic Evaluation and
Retrofitting for Existing Buildings in Myanmar"
Seminar on "Technology Dissemination on Seismic Evaluation and
Retrofitting for Existing Buildings in Myanmar"
Seminar on "Technology Dissemination on Seismic Evaluation and
Retrofitting for Existing Buildings in Myanmar"
Ph.D. Student
Tohoku University
6-6 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-Ku, Sendai 980-8579, Japan Email:zasiah@rcl.archi.tohoku.ac.jp
Maeda lab members during Shaking table test
Obayashi Corporation, Tokyo, Dec 2019
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Educational Qualification:
M.Sc. in Civil & Structural Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
About Me:
I am awarded the MEXT Scholarship from the Japanese Government to pursue Ph.D. study from 2018- 2021. My Ph.D. research work is being guided under the supervision of Dr. Masaki Maeda, Professor, Department of Architecture & Building Science, Tohoku University, JAPAN.
Academic Awards
MEXT Scholarship from the JAPANESE Government for pursuing Ph.D. study in Tohoku University, Japan (2018-2021)
BUET Academic Merit Scholarship for five semesters and General Scholarship for one semester in undergraduate level (out of eight).
Dean’s List Award ( for obtaining 75% marks or higher in an academic year) for three academic years in undergraduate level (out of four).
Education Board Scholarship for good performance in Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination (H.S.C), Dhaka Board, Bangladesh.
Merit Scholarship (Talentpool -first place) in Junior Scholarship Examination (class-VIII) from the Outside of Bangladesh Zone.
Merit Scholarship (Talentpool - first place) in Primary Scholarship Examination (class-V) from the outside of Bangladesh zone.
Member, Laboratory of Performance Control System, Tohoku University, Japan
Member, JCI (Japan Concrete Institute), Membership No. #2002966
Member, AIJ (Architecture Institute of Japan), Membership No. #19295165
Research Experience
Ph.d. Research: (ongoing)
'Investigating the effect of Opening on the structural behavior of Wall panel under lateral loading'.
***Supervisor: Dr. Masaki Maeda, Professor, Department of Architecture & Building Science, Tohoku University, Japan.
My Involvement in SATREPS-TSUIB Project (Please Click here)
“Investigation on bolt tension of flanged pipe joint subjected to bending”, M.Sc. Engineering Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
****Supervisor: Dr. Khan Mahmud Amanat, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Bangladesh.
Undergraduate Thesis:
"Seismic Analysis of a three span Deck Girder Bridge", B.Sc. Engineering Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
****Supervisor: Dr. Khan Mahmud Amanat, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Bangladesh.
Research Interests
Seismic behavior of Building
Bridge Engineering
Structural Steel Connection
Opening in Wall Panel
Composite Structural System
Concrete Technology
Sustainability in Construction Sector
Structural Dynamics
Publications (2019-date)
Zasiah TAFHEEM, Hamood ALWASHALI, Masaki MAEDA, and Kazuya Tsurugai, Seismic response of Reinforced Concrete walls with opening: Experiment And Strut-and-tie Method, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute (JCI) Annual convention, Chiba, Japan, July 13-15, 2022.
Tafheem, Z., Alwashali, H., Maeda, M., Seki, M., (2022). Experimental study of the influence of opening size and additional reinforcement around opening on seismic performance of reinforced concrete walls. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42107-022-00441-z
Alwashali, H., Tafheem, Z., Maeda, M., Seki, M., Tsurugai, K., Aizawa, N., and Ogata, Y., Experimental study on the influence of openings on strength and stiffness of RC walls Part 3: Overview of 2nd test series, Proceedings of Architecture Institute of Japan (AIJ) Annual Meeting, 5-8 Sep 2022.
Tafheem, Z., Alwashali, H., Maeda, M., Seki, M., Tsurugai, K., Aizawa, N., and Ogata, Y., Experimental study on the influence of openings on strength and stiffness of RC walls Part 4: Discussion of Experiment results, Proceedings of Architecture Institute of Japan (AIJ) Annual Meeting, 5-8 Sep 2022.
Tafheem Z, Al-Washali H, Shegay A, Sen D, Islam MS, Maeda M, and Seki M, Review on the effect of openings on the seismic response of wall panels, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 17WCEE, Sendai, Japan, 27 Sept.- 2 Oct. 2021 (link).
Zasiah Tafheem, Hamood Alwashali, Masaki Maeda, Matsutaro Seki, Kazuya Tsurugai, Naoyuki Aizawa, Yoshihiro Ogata, Experimental study on the influence of openings on strength and stiffness of RC walls Part 2: Experiment results, Proceedings of Architecture Institute of Japan (AIJ) Annual Meeting, Sep 2021.
Hamood Alwashali, Zasiah Tafheem, Masaki Maeda, Matsutaro Seki, Kazuya Tsurugai, Naoyuki Aizawa, Yoshihiro Ogata, Experimental study on the influence of openings on strength and stiffness of RC walls Part 1: Outline of experiment plan, Proceedings of Architecture Institute of Japan (AIJ) Annual Meeting, Sep 2021.
Zasiah TAFHEEM, Hamood ALWASHALI, Matsutaro SEKI, and Masaki MAEDA, Investigation of the influence of opening parameters on the seismic capacity of reinforced concrete walls, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute (JCI) Annual convention, Nagoya, Japan, July 7-9, 2021 (link)
Hossain, M.M., Tafheem, Z. and Amanat, K.M. (2021) ‘Experimental investigation on bolted flanged steel pipe joint subjected to flexure’, International Journal of Structural Engineering (UK), Inderscience Publisher, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp.189–203.
Zasiah Tafheem, Hamood Alwashali, Alex Shegay, Debasish Sen, Shafiul Islam, Matsutaro Seki, Masaki Maeda, A Review study on the effect of openings on the seismic performance of RC wall panels, Proceedings of Architecture Institute of Japan (AIJ) Annual Meeting, Sep 2020.
Zasiah Tafheem, Review on the effect of opening on the structural performance of RC wall based on past experiments, SOFTech Workshop for young Researchers, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Feb 13, 2020.
Zasiah Tafheem,Md. Shafiul Islam,Debasish Sen,Hamood Alwashali,Matsutaro Seki,Masaki Maeda, Evaluation of Seismic Capacity and Expected Damage of RC Buildings in Bangladesh Part 2: Correlation between Seismic capacity and Damage level, Proceedings of Architecture Institute of Japan Annual meeting, 289-290, 2-6 Sep, 2019. (pdf)
Md. Shafiul Islam,Zasiah Tafheem,Debasish Sen,Hamood Alwashali,Matsutaro Seki,Masaki Maeda, Evaluation of Seismic Capacity and Expected Damage of RC Buildings in Bangladesh Part 1: Study on characteristics of existing RC buildings in Bangladesh, Proceedings of Architecture institute of Japan (AIJ) annual meeting, 287-288, Kanazawa, Japan, 3-6 Sep 2019. (pdf)
Hamood Alwashali,Debasish Sen,Zasiah Tafheem,Md. Shafiul Islam,Matsutaro Seki,Masaki Maeda, Experimental investigation of Ferro-cement laminated masonry infilled in RC frame Part 1: Experimental program, Proceedings of Architecture institute of Japan (AIJ) annual meeting, 915-916, 3-6 Sep 2019.
Debasish Sen,Zasiah Tafheem,Md. Shafiul Islam,Hamood Alwashali,Matsutaro Seki,Masaki Maeda, Experimental investigation of Ferro-cement laminated masonry infilled in RC frame part 2: Evaluation of Failure Mode and Seismic Capacity under Lateral Load, Proceedings of Architecture institute of Japan (AIJ) annual meeting, 917-918, 3-6 Sep 2019.
D. Sen, Y. Torihata, H. Alwashali, S. Islam, Z. Tafheem & M. Maeda, Investigation of the Ferro-cement laminated infilled masonry wall under cyclic lateral load, Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering (PCEE 237), Auckland, New Zealand, 3-6 April 2019.
Article published in a webpage regarding an Interview with the official of National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, Tokyo, JAPAN, about the activities of SATREPS project, 19 July 2019. Please click here to know the detail.
Professional Exposures (in Japan)
Participant, SOFTech Workshop for young Researchers, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Feb 13, 2020.
Participant, AIJ Annual Meeting*, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Ogigaoka Campus, Japan, 3-6 Sept, 2019.
Participant, JCI Annual Convention*, Sapporo Convention Centre, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 10-12 July, 2019.
Participant, Seminar of 20th Earthquake Engineering Research Society of Japan, Tohoku University Aoba Memorial Hall, Sendai, Japan, 12 Jan, 2019.
Visited Kumagai Gumi Construction Company with Technical Research & Development Institute, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, Japan, 31 Aug 2018. (Observed Research facilities relating to Base isolator, Tuned mass damper, Wind tunnel, Sound Engg.: Special Sound Absorbing Materials etc.)
Participant, Seminar* on 'Case Study of Advanced Wooden Construction in Europe', CLT Seminar Room, Tohoku University, Aoba-yama Campus, Sendai, Japan, 27 August, 2018.
Courses / Training / webinar during PhD study
Attended classes on Safety instructions for the use of Experimental laboratory, 2019.
Taken Course on Structural Performance Control System, 2019.
- Attended ZOOM classes to learn MATLAB in order to find different parameters accurately from the experimental results with little time and effort.
- Attended online webinar on Digital infrastructure – Smart Bridge Technologies, 23 Sept, 2020. (Certificate)
Activities in MAEDA Lab
Conducted lecture on Pushover Analysis using software SAP for disseminating knowledge among MAEDA lab members, 20 June, 2019.
Prepared POSTER on SATREPS-TSUIB Project Activities during Open Campus held in CLT Building, Tohoku University, 31st July, 2019.
Coordinator for organizing Farewell Party of a master's student (Son San), 24 Sept, 2019.
Participated in the shaking table test of a 4 storied small scale RC building at Obayashi Corporation, Tokyo, Japan during 16-18 Dec 2019. (Activities include crack observation, marking cracks and also putting tag with measured crack width on columns, beams; taking photos of cracks, taking damage notes for the observed components of north side of 3rd and 4th floor. It was a memorable experience of my life, got the opportunity to see closely the gradual failure of the structural components, damage and cracking propagation after applying simulated 3D seismic motion at different intensity level)
Coordinator for organizing Farewell Party of a Ph.D. student (Sen San), 25 Sept, 2020.
Wrote several website contents on different occasions for the webpage of MAEDA Laboratory.
(Link-A, Link-B, Link-C, Link D)
Study Tour Attended (arranged by MAEDA LAb)
Visited Six wooden architecture CLT Buildings of Fukushima Prefecture, 10 Sept, 2019. Please click here for the detail.
Useful Links of Open Source Softwares
Image editor/ Graphic designer/ Drawing tool
GIMP (Raster)- link
Inkscape (Vector)- link
Paint.net - link
Canva - link
Video recording/ live-streaming Software
OBS studio - link
Whiteboard teaching tool
Openboard - link
Audio editing tool
Audacity - link
Video editing Software
Da Vinci resolve 17- link
Photo Album
Japan Visit on May 2018 (Photos)
Narita-san Shinsoji Temple (Photos)
Tohoku University (Photos)
Sendai (Photos)
Yamadera (Photos)
Japanese Food (Photos)
Sapporo, Hokkaido (Photos)
Yagiyama Zoological Park (Photos)
CLT Building Tour (Photos)
Minami Sanriku Tour 2020 (Photos)
Kanazawa Visit 2019 (Photos)
Tsukihama Beach (Photos)
Naruko Gorge (Photos)
BUET (Photos)
Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge (Photos)
National Martyrs' Memorial (Photos)
Safari Park (Photos)
Jamuna Future Park (Photos)
Jahangirnagar University (Photos)
'TRAVEL ARound' is a youtube channel where I usually upload my travel videos filmed around different places of Japan. I hope you will like watching those videos.
You can Subscribe to my Channel to watch more travel videos.
The links are given below with the video title:
Okawa Elementary School (Video)
ANA Airways (Video)
TANABATA Festival (Video)
Sapporo Travel Video (Video)
Jozenji Dori Lighting,Sendai (Video)
Shinjuku Nomura Building @ Tokyo (Video)
Travel by Shinkansen (Video)
Yagiyama Zoological park, Sendai - (Video)
HanedaInternationalAirport Tokyo (Video) Recent (World'scleanest airport)
Minami Sanriku visit-(Video) Recent
***My you tube channel