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11-12日12月2016年、女川や南三陸の被災地やCLT建物を巡る視察ツアーを開催しました。多賀城のナイス株式会社仙台物流センター事務所棟の工事現場見学、女川の復興状況、大川小学校などを見学しました。 また、宿泊した南三陸ホテル観洋で取り組んでいる、被災地を巡りながら震災の被害や復興状況を伝える語り部バスツアーに参加し震災時の様子や復興の現状について勉強しました。夜はナイス株式会社の方々との懇親会を行い、木造建築物に関すること等、有意義なお話をきくことができました。

In- 11~12-Dec-2016, Maeda-lab had end-year-party and Study tour.It was a mixture of fun and study time. The Study tour was visiting :

a) CLT Building (Timber building), first building of this new technology of CLT panels in Miyagi prefecture under construction by Nice company which is specialized in such building.

b) Visiting New station of Onagawa station after the recovery from 2011 Tsunami-disaster.

c) Okawa primary school, damaged by Tsunami in 2011.

d) Staying at Minami Sanriku Kanyo, beautiful hotel recovered after 2011 Tsunami disaster Enjoying nice Onsen, and lovely dinner.

e) Riding the Kataribe bus, lisening to experiences and stories of disaster in 2011 and visiting many damaged places in minami Sanriku area.

f) visiting the new-under- construction shops-center in minami sanriku made of timber buildings with state-of art technologies and constructed by Nice-Company.

g) Visiting Ishinomaki city and Ishinomaki Community & Info Center to learn more about tsunami and recovery process in this city. It was fruitful tour and fun end-year-party.

〒980-8579 宮城県仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉6-6-11総合研究棟

Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ku, Aramaki Aza Aoba 6-6-11, Engineering Laboratory Complex Building

1219号室 TEL:022-795-7872(教授室)(professor's ofiice) 

1220号室 TEL:022-795-7873(学生室)(students' room)


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