Seminar on "Technology Dissemination on Seismic Evaluation and
Retrofitting for Existing Buildings in Myanmar"
Seminar on "Technology Dissemination on Seismic Evaluation and
Retrofitting for Existing Buildings in Myanmar"
Seminar on "Technology Dissemination on Seismic Evaluation and
Retrofitting for Existing Buildings in Myanmar"
SATREPS TSUIB WG2 meeting in Tohoku University and Field survey in Minami Sanriku
(coastal area damaged by 2011 EQ)
May 10 - 13, 2018
Engineers and researchers from Public Works Department (PWD) and Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) visited Tohoku University on 10th to 13th May 2018. They joined a discussion with Maeda-lab and Nishiwaki-lab members in Tohoku University about masonry infilled RC frame and low-strength concrete as a part of collaboration research activities of SATREPS project.
Day1 (10th May): Workshop on seismic evaluation and retrofit of URM infill
- Discussion on Seismic Evaluation and Visual Rating method of existing vulnerable buildings
- Preliminary test of masonry wall elements retrofitted with Ferro-cement.

Day2 (11th May): Workshop on seismic evaluation and experiment plan in AUST
- The day started with a discussion on seismic evaluation and experiment plan in AUST University and the installation of test equipment.
- In the afternoon participants head to Minami Sanriku area for a filed trip, which included a visit to Okawa elementary school which was hit by the Tsunami in 2011.
- After that, participants arrived to Minami Sanriku Hotel, and in the evening they had a traditional Japanese dinner.

Day3 (12th May): Discussion on future plan and activities of WG2
- The day began with a meeting in Sanriku Hotel in which the participants discuss the future plan of WG2.
- After the meeting the participants went to a field trip in the damaged area which stared with lunch in a traditional Japanese restaurant. Then, they visited the Miracle Pine site in Rikuzentakata city and kesen Carpentry and Folklore Museum.
- At night, they had an open discussion about the overall project.

Day 4 (13th May): Final day and discussion resolutions
- The day began with a meeting in Sanriku Hotel in which the participants agreed on the resolutions of future plan of WG2 which are could be summarized into 3 points:
a) Improvement of visual rating method by considering the influencing parameters and further application.
b) Buildings Survey plan of 30 PWD buildings and application of seismic evaluation.
c) Agreement on the milestone deadline for AUST university experimental plan.
- After the meeting the participants went to a Kataribe trip in the damaged area in Minami Sanriku and then they visited several placed in Onagawa city and Ishinomaki city on the way back to Sendai city.
Thanks for everyone who arranged and participated to have such valuable discussions and interesting tour.