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SATREPS JCC meeting and WS at Dhaka-March 2018

The 3rd Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) meeting and 6th workshop of SATREPS project was held at Dhaka in March 2018. The participants from collaborating universities and organizations (e.g. University of Tokyo, Tohoku University, Osaka University, Daido University and Bangladesh counterparts e.g. HBRI, PWD, BUET, AUST, UAP ) actively joined in the discussion about the current research activities and future research plan under the SATREPS project. In addition Maeda Lab team also participated in the building survey in Dhaka city to get the actual characteristics of masonry infilled RC building which will be used for the seismic evaluation.

〒980-8579 宮城県仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉6-6-11総合研究棟

Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ku, Aramaki Aza Aoba 6-6-11, Engineering Laboratory Complex Building

1219号室 TEL:022-795-7872(教授室)(professor's ofiice) 

1220号室 TEL:022-795-7873(学生室)(students' room)


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